Monday, March 1, 2010

Richmond O-Zone a Great Success

With the 2010 Olympic Games wrapping up, it is hard to believe that an event that has been in the planning stages for the better part of a decade has come and gone. The national spirit and pride generated by the Games was unparalleled and will be ingrained in the hearts and minds of Canadians and our visitors for the rest of their lives.

So what did the 2010 Games do for Williams Lake and the Cariboo? Are we as a community and a region better off as a result of these Games? Those questions were and will be debated by those with differing views. But what can't be debated is the spirit and excitement of the Olympic Torch relay as it passed through the City and exposure we received at BC Street at the Richmond O-Zone. I feel very fortunate to have been involved with both events and share in the excitement of the organizers and participants.

BC Street put Williams Lake and the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast on the map during the Games. In the two days I worked at BC Street, I was absolutely amazed at the numbers of people who visited our pavilion and the genuine interest they showed in our region. People from all over the world surged through our displays, anxious to sign the 'tree' and sample some Birch Syrup, Beef Jerky and Pepperoni and learn more about our region. It would be impossible to duplicate the international exposure we received over the 17 days of the event. Credit has to be given to the staff at the CRD who spearheaded the initiative and all of the staff and elected folks who stood for many long hours greeting visitors and being ambassadors of our great region.

In my view, our City and region did very well by the Olympic Games and we will reap the rewards for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Brian!!. I too believe that communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region will benefit by the Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast Booth at BC Street and the fact it received wide media coverage and the fact that the Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast display received thousands of international people visiting it. I personally took the opportunity to visit the booth myself and felt it was a 5-Star display of our region.
