Saturday, May 1, 2010

Community Corner Grand Opening

April 30 was an exciting day for those of us involved with the Community Corner project. Looking back to the beginning, I can distinctly recall sitting in the Mayor's office with some senior staff of Petro Canada back in 2007. We had asked to meet with them to discuss the City's concerns with the state of the old Petro Can service station which was being leased by an automotive repair business. Old cars and trucks, pieces of machinery and parts littered the site, creating an eyesore on one of the most prolific properties in the downtown core. Petro Can acknowledged our concerns and agreed to find a more suitable tenant for the property.

At about the same time, discussions were being had with both Communities in Bloom and the Food Policy Council with respect to possible uses of the site. One concept was to acquire the land and demolish the building to create a park and green space in the downtown. The other suggestion was to utilize the building for a unique cooperative between the Food Policy Council, Business Improvement Area and Community Policing, all of whom were considering new office space.

The City favoured the partnership concept and approached Petro Can with a proposal to lease the facility with a fee equivalent to their annual municipal property tax which is approximately $5500. With some renderings of proposed facade improvements and a unique community partnership, Petro Can was happy to accept the proposal in 2008. The Partnership successfully applied to the City and CRD for a $10,000 Grant in Aide and began and aggressive donation drive to secure the resources required to renovate the vacant service station. Petro Can assisted by removing the automotive hoists, leaving the Partnership with the challenge of transforming the dirty, greasy service bays and office space into a functional, inviting establishment to serve three diverse groups.

Community Corner is an excellent example of local government working with community groups in pooling our resources and efforts for the benefit of the entire community and I am proud to have played a role with this dedicated group of volunteers.